Sunday, November 24, 2013

2 Nov 2013~~Short Date with family : Cherating!!

Dear Blogista,

At last after 6 month with hardship of new life i've just got d chance to have a holiday!!! I mean d real holiday where u can relaxe ur mind stay out of ur daily routine n of course spending time with ur loves one=]S0 coincidently it was Deepavali and i've got no class dat wikend and at the same time there was a family day organised by father's school which means i would not get off the chance since i havent go for vacation for quite a long time....so0 on dat Friday juz rite after work, my brother pick me up n we drive safely to Jengka,,,--->>'we drive' here means we take our turn!!yuppp both were tired with our working days n weeks (haiiihh ble laa nk dpt driver y sanggop drive n tman iolls blk pahang...aamiinn..smoga dpermudahkan=])
Once smpai rumah as usual borak2 dgn mak n ayah then njoy our dinner together....dan slepas itu brmulalah episod mengerjakan dapor mak...since two days b4 mak kol n told me dat die tringin nk mkn pavlova n apam polkadot....so0 iolls daaa bg list awl2 dkt my sis Ila coz dat time she's arrived home one day befor us...then tung tang tung tang kat dapor tgk jam dah kul 3 pgi...hahaha nk ckp pnat ke tak tatau lahh...mayb i was born as super women kott.....maka thidang lah sgale dishes utk picnic esk=]
tadaaa.......Lilybellas' homade Dadih+Pavlova+Apam polkadot

So on d early tomorrow morning we shoot to Kuantan...d fest event wud be Bowling tournament at Megamall.....hahhh benci sunggoh!!!iolss tah suke maen bowlingg...okeh 1st sbb mmg i tak pandai maen....2nd maen satu game jee tp nktahan skt tgn tuh makkk aiii smpaiii smnggu tawwww!!!...huhuhuh tp skali skale layankan je lahh...ktorang pnye eksited smpai ktorang org fest y smpai kat Megamall lane tuh...then En ayah ayah ckp go n play...padahal En.ayah n Pn mak nk practice coz kejap lgi dorang y msok tournament...kttorng nih tumpang mnyelit jeee.....

ehemmm amek mood dolu b4 maen...ktorang y gugurlss nih mmg dtg nk bgambar jee;p

see style jee lbeyhh...abaikan 2 y tcorot-_______-!!

family camewhore......we're in bluessss!!!!

so0 sbagai result our parents lose in d tournament sbb ktorng smpat tlg mak n ayah maen utk 1st game je...2nd game ktorang siblings lari cuci n Ila of course lah cuci mte cri bju...while my bro cbuk cri hadiah utk sweety die....after d tournament we had our lunch at Pizza hut....n ddatangi suprise by C.AMY+ ECIK n all d lil caliphs....dsbbkn ktorang tade adk kechik n all d lil caliphs tade kakak so sume nk manje2 lahh.. d lil Aye @Afiq tanak berenggang dgn iollss smpai mkn pon nk beribe....dah mcm mak2 sgt...iolss tak smpat nk snap pic sbb buzy layan dorang...juz rite after dat bru lah ktorang shoot ke Residence Inn Cherating.

view from our room on Residence Inn...welll tmpat die best sgt especially pantai die sgt chantekkk...Subhanallah=]motipp sgt amek gmbar toilet...welll for me whenever i go toilet was d main part...hahahah;p

n d girls ready for dinner.....okayhh die pnye mknn memang ohsemmm...i juzz kcant refuse all d seafood n westie...ltak tepi dlu pantang...kikiikik

the next morning while En ayah & Dak Ila still sleeping me pujok my mom & my lil brother tron ke laot....(wahhh ayt nelayan sgtt)...yesssss after 5 years at last dis is d next chance i nk pijak pasir puteh tepi pantai...last iolls hirup air masin laot was when matriculation itu pon sbb kes TERterjon laot time nk g candat sotong...haaaa uolls mmpu terjon laot ??mihmih abaikan kenagan pahit ituu...see iolls siap bwk mini bucket bagai kununnyeee nk ber sandcastle...tpiiiiiii..........................
ini jadinyee ble daa smpai pantai...cmpak tepi itu baldi nmpak surf board tros beli...abaikan surfboard lil mermaid tuh...muahaha actually teringin nk bli surfboard nih sbb pantai die ombak sgt kuat so0 ramai org g surfing..klu ktorang stay lme lg kat ctu mmg ktorng daa pergi daftar surfing sbb daa nk blk syok sndri jelah gune surfboard lil mermaid tuh....kununye ala2 Kim Tan dlm The Heirs gitewhh...feeling2 Miami ckit...wahhh
after daa siap bjemur iolls pon bsiap lah utk balik..iolls nek bs ke kl...n my family blk ke this is d view of residence inn...quite a peaceful place...bole laa stakat skali skale nk release tension lr dr bandar..n last but not list from me (Residence Inn,2013)


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