Tuesday, December 27, 2011

my fren WEDDING 1#

okee just lo0k at the tittlee...
ak tatau org len xcited mcm ak ke x where when u're in 21st u've got ur fren's wedding invitation...
wawaw xcited gleerr kot...it shows that u're not TEENS anymorree..
okeh...bblik kpd tajokk...act this is the Biggie Day of one of my abg JKA which is abg SUHAIZAN NASIR dgn pasangannye k.IZZA which olso one of my classmate...act dorng nih da kapel time dkat poli...how sweet kannn...dsbbkan 1 kls..,at the 1st brangan lah na konvoii rmaii2 bt then time btolak 2 buah kete je dr pt rje...ank2 bjang laen sume tggu kat mersing....y lg mnyedihkan y g kendurii nih 3 org je ank dara(y sorng tuh x bpe na dara sbb tgh tggu turn..heee)....tp tapee lah...for me i appreciate my frens morrree...so0 i hope takkan trlpas from all my frens wedding pasnih...(hahah kenduri ak???....AAK!!!!=.=)
okeh3..jom lyan gmbar...~~
nih EN.driver a.k.a EN.ciko>>>k.anis ktorng pnjm en.ciko wat driver tawww...peaceee=](jgn tnye nape gmbr nih brpusing...nih bole dklasifikasikn sbgai keajaiban alam...mayb sbb ciko keding sgt..teheee)

 snggah air itam beli hadiah=]

okeh nih lah ahli2 rombongan sbnrnyeee...pngantin gugurl da ilangg

heee ni lah abg pengantin...

nii sume boboii2 kls sye....tapayh prsoalkan mmg dorng terencat...tp ak still kwn je ngan korng..;p

finally blk snggh pantai...release ape y bley release...=]

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