Wahh lame tak menaip walaupon sbnarnye speed menaip dah semaikn powr sejak2 almost one year wat documentation nih;p
Wait a minute!!looking at the tittle trust me ak tak salah tulis Tajuk...yuppp it was back then in 2013...tp malas nk mention #throwback sbb rsenye sume cite dalam blog nih #throwback....n like I cares!!muahaha...
back to the tittle....since it was Christmas, so it must happen in December lolsss...by that time ak baru seminggu jagung dekat UMLAND....time tuh mcm budget2 UMLAND wat welcoming party utk ak la kann...bahahah perasan tahap mintak pelempang.....
at that time others than my department ade lah lgi 2/ 3 orang y ak kenal n still with me n be my friends until now....others than that ntah sape2 je...biar orang tu duk blakang ak je ponnn...okeyyy i mentioned bout u Kak Dina!!!..hahaha
whatever it is whenever they say look at the camera...i was just like cheeseeee....Ohhh mayyyy dah memang hantu namenye mmg pantanglahhhh...pantang diajak....
Welll jom check out zaman2 innoncent aku dkat UMLAND...dorang ckp ak first2 masuk Innocent gile...tpi ak rase bese je ( sambil tiup kuku )...Heyyy opkosss lahhh seminggu masuk takkan dah nak tunjuk taring...nti orang tau laa aku Spesies Robert Pattinson...ehhhh#....hahahahh...dah2 jom2 layan gambar....
okehh ini laaa barisan kakakkss y setia dgn ak dri mula masuk UMLAND smpai laaa skarang...cume K.Nurul y sebelah ak tu..dah pindah JB...iSOKEE...nt ak selitkan Farewell K.Nurul punye citee;p
This is how they celebrate it......diorang maen tukar2 hadiah....so0 sume orang akn dapat hadiah laa... then sape2 y ade secret admire tuh bole laa selit skali bawah pokok tuh....hahaha too bad aka tak dapat ape ape...newbies katenye(ko budget ko duk setahun bole penoh satu bakul ko pnye hadiah...tampar nk??)
haaa nih laaa...ntah sape2 laa snap pic...ak yeyey jee merenyih...ikot ko la yana...janji ko bahagia
Part of them....Jelas tak muke innocent tuu??
ohhh btw others than main tukar2 hadiah ade fruit fiest jgak...kbetulan musim buah time nih....hidang plak buah durian...say sorry laa kat org belakang...bahahaha
Nmpak simple kann cite nih....sbb bru seminnggu msk...tggu progress next n next month....time tuh dah tak larat nk scroll gambar...
okelahh bubbyee...hosmate panggil ajak makan cendol....Selamat Minum Petang!!!
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